Karthika masam is very auspicious for Hindus. In this month, we offer prayers to lord Shiva, It is not only offerings to lord Shiva but also lord Vishnu. Karthika masam is a lighting festival that comes after Deepawali. In this month, we lit lamps in temple at evening times. Karthika pournami is very famous in this month. Every one should read one adhyayam in Karthika Puranam dialy.Absolute Karthika PuranaKarthikamasam is the most unique of the Telugu months. It is especially beloved by Lord Shiva, the abode of Kailash. Spiritually healthy month. During this month they fast on Mondays and have a star-studded meal at night. The scripture Dharmasindhu states that thereby attaining Ashtaishwarya. Every day of the month is a holiday! Some important holidays, however, are even more fruitful. They are Bhagini Hastabhojanam, Nagulachaviti, Nagapanchami, Uthana Ekadashi, Kshirabdhi Dwadashi, Karthika Pournami etc.Karthika Purana is recited daily and Nirvana is attained.